
Real Time IOT

Real Time IOT

nowlog provide businesses with simple high performance IOT solutions. The platform is built on low cost battery powered wireless modules with a gateway to process and send reports to you and your customers.

An instant solution

nowlog provide a simple self install hardware kit that can be deployed easily with no special skills. Custom software setups are available from dropdown menus. A dashboard is provided where you can create and save your own configurations.


The nowlog hardware is pre packaged and priced for volume deployments. You can scale your customer base quickly and manage hardware and software from anywhere, anytime.


nowlog will be your partner as you trial and deploy your solutions. As you scale, you can avail of volume pricing or OEM packages.

Key Features

Modular solution with plug and play drop in.

Wireless options for 2km range in dense urban environments.

Narrow Band wireless options for high bandwidth connections.

Automated remote alerts for low cost network maintenance.

Encrypted communications.

Authentication token can be used for secure access.

Battery powered wireless sensors.

Sealed for total robustness.

QI wireless recharge. MTBF 10 years.




White Paper


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The project leading to this application has received funding from

the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and

innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 732947-Sub-Grant Agreement No. 008

Copyright 2017 nowLog